Rocket Cruising Guide to New Caledonia

For Windows or Mac computers

Special: Order both the New Caledonia and Vanuatu guides together.

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download windows version

Download the Windows Version

Works on Windows XP or later, Installation file sizes Cruising Guide 541MB, Travel Guide 464MB. You must use a download manager like to assure complete downloads.

New Caledonia Guides €125.00.

download mac version

Download the Mac version

Works on Mac OS10.7 or later - NOT on Ipads. Installation file sizes Cruising 600MB, Travel 517MB. You must use a download manager like to assure complete downloads.
New Caledonia Guides €125.00.

NOTE: If the paypal check out window does not open with Safari, order on your phone with


SPECIAL: Rocket Cruising Guides to Both New Caledonia and Vanuatu

download windows version

Download the Windows Version

Works on Windows XP or later, Installation file sizes New Caledonia Cruising Guide 541MB, New Caledonia Travel Guide 464MB. Vanuatu Cruising Guide 255MB, Vanuatu Travel Guide 470MB. You must use a download manager like to assure complete downloads.
New Caledonia and Vanuatu Guides €210.00.


download Mac version

Download the Mac version

Works on Mac OS10.7 or later - NOT on Ipads. Installation file sizes New Caldonia Cruising 600MB, New Caledonia Travel 517MB. Vanuatu Cruising Guide 250MB, Vanuatu Travel Guide 530MB. You must use a download manager like to assure complete downloads.
New Caledonia Guides €210.00.

NOTE: If the paypal check out window does not open with Safari, order on your phone with


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